DIY dinners are on my favorite list these days. With Rose’s fickleness, Shane’s volume requirements, and my taste buds hijacked by hormones, options are key. Also, kids love eat-with-your-hands food. Hello, burrito!
Today’s get through your CSA Box (aka Salad Challenge) tip: Romaine lettuce reduces in volume when shredded. (Bonus points for burrito.)
the “volume requirements” is hilarious! I feel you girl! I keep thinking I’ll have 2 dinners, maybe 3 when I make something big and it disappears into thin air between little and large over here. Good news is they are both good eaters I guess. xoxo!
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done that, mistakenly thought I’d get more than one meal out of something. I’ve pretty much given up at this point. The only time there’s leftovers is when neither of them likes the meal. Generally when it’s something extra-green or overtly healthful/vegetarian.