I love to make macaroni & cheese for people who’ve just had babies. Today, we welcomed a nephew—hooray! finally!—and that’s just what I did. My very favorite macaroni & cheese recipe is this one from Martha Stewart. It takes a while to make but isn’t hard, and I think you’ll find it’s worth the effort.
When making it for someone who’s just had a baby, I assemble the whole thing in a dish (but don’t bake it), and then refrigerate or freeze. All a new parent has to do is bring it to room temperature on the counter and then bake for 30 minutes. The recipe yields enough to have some for yourself the night you prepare it, if you want (I always do).
Funny! I always make Any of the following: beef carbonnade, a giant pot of meatballs and red sauce, carrot ginger soup or home made chicken soup, and once it was requested that i bring a brisket. i bring any of those things over with a salad and a crusty baguette.
Now i will add mac and cheese to the repertoire. Congrats again on the new baby boy in your life!
Thats my favorite macaroni and cheese recipe too!
I’ve been on the receiving end of this mac and cheese delivery (thanks again, N!) and it is heaven. Especially if the mom has other children in the house to feed. Love the idea of having a go-to dish to drop off.