See the photo on the left up there? Those three ingredients, are all it takes to make the delicious sauce on the right. Well, those three ingredients, 45 minutes, and the option of salt & pepper. What I’m talking about here is Marcella Hazan’s famous sauce.
I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but if you haven’t tried this sauce already, you really should. It’s going to blow your mind with it’s effortlessness.
You simply take the three ingredients pictured above left, bung them in a pot, simmer for 45 minutes—with the occasional stir and smoosh—and you’re done. And it’s delicious.
I made a double batch tonight, one for tonight, one for the future (I’m in dinner-nesting mode).
We had ours over spinach ravioli, but it works well over any pasta, or in lasagne. Or, if you’re pregnant, in a bowl with a spoon.
I finally tried this a few months ago. You are right. It’s great and everyone should try it!