According to my extremely fickle 6 year old, good old Parmesan Chicken Goujons are not so good anymore. She does this from time to time, rejects something that was once her favorite. Forsaking the poor dish, sometimes for years, sometimes indefinitely.
If you ask Shane, he’ll tell you that Parmesan Chicken Goujons are just as delicious as always.
This turn of events, sent me in search of a new easy-to-prep-ahead-and-also-quick-cooking chicken dish, for those weeknights when Rose doesn’t get home until after 8:00.
Good old Martha Stewart had the answer, bacon wrapped chicken cutlets that cook quickly in the broiler on the same baking sheet as the sweet potatoes. The recipe is in this month’s Martha Stewart Living magazine, on one of those 4 perforated cards she so kindly provides. I’ll type it up for you when I make it again.
Martha’s recipe calls for a watercress salad. I made a funny little endive and radicchio salad with capers and dijon instead. It was lovely on top of the sweet potatoes.
Also….i am totally impressed that you would actually hold a peice of raw chicken and pieces of raw bacon long enough to wrap so expertly. It must be all that practice swaddling;)
Boy….the times they are a’changin’!
The things you do for love. I am most impressed by the fact that I didn’t give the baby salmonella, since I was wearing him while I handled all that raw meat.