I don’t like diets. Trendy diets make me want to smear gluten and dairy all over myself, go out in public and touch things that don’t belong to me. Pyramid schemes and/or brain-washy (yeah, that’s a word) diets make me want to go out and shake people I thought I knew, while screaming “Get a hold of yourself, Stevia does NOT taste good!”
Unfortunately—as evidenced by my husband’s large, round belly—it is not enough to simply give it your best effort 75-90% of the time. And because I don’t want Shane to suffer an early demise due to heart disease, diabetes or other round-belly ailments, we started the new year with a diet. A low carb diet.
You heard me right. My family who eats pasta at least three times a week and pizza at least once, has gone low-carb.
Let that sink in for a bit.
This is not a permanent thing, mind you. We have not forsaken pasta and bread. Never! Instead, we’re taking this opportunity to learn about the many good things to eat that are not pasta and bread.
We’re eating more proteins, plenty of healthful fats (and some unhealthful ones), and boatloads of veggies.
Despite the extra planning required, it’s going remarkably well. Shane has lost over 15 pounds—you go, guy! Rose is happy because she loves meat. I am happy because veggies are no longer an afterthought at meal time. And Sid, he’s never liked dinner anyways, so for him it’s business as usual.
Our favorite weeknight meal that we’ve resurrected from the archives is Salmon & Brussels Sprouts with Ginger Scallion Sauce from Dinner A Love Story I make the sprouts separately (vegetarian) by sauteéing them with olive oil, salt and red pepper flakes and then pour the scallion sauce on them at the table. You can round it out nicely with a side of rice if you’re not on a low-carb diet.
Follow us on instagram to see more of our low-carb nonsense… I mean, adventures.
Happy 2019!
15 pounds?!? Amazing! Good on ya Shane!